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by PBworks16 years, 7 months ago
While trying different keywords and serching the youtube archives, I more or less stumbled upon the video Gang of Music.
I am extremely impressed with what this man has done. He has turned a village with a poor employment rate and made it into a working village. It seems almost everyone in close vicinity has a responsibility relating to the work of instrument making. He has also brought education into the community and a trade that can be passed along from generation to generation. This trade is sustainable because almost all of the materials used for the instruments are locally grown. With this comes the teachings of sustainability and knowing how to live off your land. For example, during the video he describes how he uses local clay to make flutes. He also uses his knowledge of the local forestry to determine what trees can be used for which instruments as well as their harvesting techniques. These are important lessons for the villagers because they live in a utopian society where they do not depend on much outside resources. I am also impressed with the skills he has taught the villagers and how they yearn to learn more. Not only do they learn to make an instrument, but they are also taught to listen to key and pitch. They eventually learn to play and perform their skills. My definition of sustainability is, “Habits, technologies, and practices that don’t prohibit or omit the existence of future generations”. He has produced a sustainable society, centered around the making of music, that has the ability to survive for generations to come.
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