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Reflection Assignment

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago

Please read the description of the course goals as they are listed on the course website. Do you feel we are proceeding towards these goals? What is so far proving most useful? What would you change, and why?


What are you learning in class? What more do you think you could learn in class? How can class be structured to help you learn what matters to you?


I'm learning to let go in class. I'm learning to rely on others and not be so forceful with my own ideas. It's challenging for me. I'm also learning how interesting the people around me are. I think my group is amazing. We all come from such different backgrounds, but are very passionate about our ideas. That's a lot of fun. I wish I could learn more and more about my group.




How do you define your responsibilities to this class? How are you living up to those responsibilities? What are your greatest contributions to class? What can you improve?


I bring my own reality into class.



How do you define my responsibilities as teacher of this class? Am I fulfilling those responsibilities? What more or different can I do to help you fulfill the work of this class?


I think Monday's class was a prime example of how right you have been. Even though you were not in class, I felt like as a group, we got the job done. We knew what we needed to do, we pulled our heads together and made some progress on our project. You often say that you want to back off and not get in the way of this learning process, and I guess I did not subscribe to that theory until Monday.



What more or different can I do to help you understand the work I am asking you to do?


Hmm. I have to admit that I am not so keen on the reading suggestions. I love reading, but have not been able to get into Earth Democracy, even though it has such a promising title and interesting topic.


I just finished reading two great books, Blink and The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. For me, his style of writing is much more engaging and effective than Vandana Shiva's. I would prefer to just blog about what I've read from my books... Which I assume from our encounters in class would be just fine by you... "Just write" as you say. So I think I will!



What suggestions do you have for how we can improve class, to help you learn more, and enjoy the class and the learning more?

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