

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

I decided to research nursing sustainability because in the near future I AM going to be a nurse. I am currently undecided about what kind though.

When I researched 'nursing sustainability' this site stood out to me because there are only nurses giving their opinion.


creating sustainability nursing career


When I read the threads of most of the nurses that responded to the article I had a response to every last one of them. For the most part I really enjoyed reading what all of the nurse had to say. Creating nursing sustainability for a nursing career by llg was interesting and true. This comment about the article is just basically listing some of sustainable principles that are important to her as a nursing teacher. some of her principles were knowing yourself, being proactive, and keep learning new things which is very important as a nurse.


Another thread by Tweety made really good points also. The most important thing Tweety said was accept that nursing is always changing. That is indeed the truth. Nursing can be very stressful but at the same time if a person genuinely loves nursing and helping others the joy will out way the stress. As nurses there are new things, new strategies, new symptoms, new everything continuously occurring. So being ready for change is part of the job.


In another thread by llg, they said that nurses should seek spiritual renewal periodically. I certainly agree with llg. Instead of letting stressful things take over you with any job, one should ask themselves why are we doing this type of job... remind yourself that you are there for a reason. as for me...when I become a nurse and I allow stress to take over I am going to have to remind myself that I am here to help others and that is what I love to do.

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