
mixmastering the cosmos

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Lord Shiva's dance represents the rhythmic movement of the cosmos


"One must have chaos in oneself in order to give birth to a dancing star." Nietzsche


To me, chaos in oneself translates to a genius sort of madness. It resonates within myself as unleashed creativity, as limitless directions with infinite outcomes.


Chaos can lead to opportunity.


The opportunity in this quote is the "dancing star." I see a dancing star in this quote as something unique, rare, and brilliant.


So you've got to embrace the world's endless possibilities and take advantage of those limitless endings in order to arrive at that perfect opportunity (be it person, object, idea...); your dancing star.





"I tell you: ye have still chaos in you,"


Zarathustra continues on to say.




Among the many structuring devices of this experimental text we find parable, poetry, and song. The fictitious Zarathustra, a character that Nietzsche "remixed" from his particular understanding and from Greek treatments of the real historical 4th century BC Persian poet Zoroaster, frequently invokes dancing. Indeed, at different times in the narrative, Zarathustra stages dances, and these "Dance Songs" appear as entire "chapters" of the text. Dancing, in the teachings Zarathustra shares in his wandering travels, is a primary means of stepping outside of, or overcoming, one's self. In this sense, ecstatic, embodied, and often "chaotic" practices such as dancing are the simplest steps one can take, only to break into lifeless mechanical order, but also to order life out of teaming complexity teetering on the brink of chaos. The simple and repeatable actions of dance, harness and transform available order and energy, and, as James discusses in his blog, help "break the mold" and free our ideas. Reversing the Funkadelic formula: Free your ass and your mind will follow! To find inspiration and to create new possibilities for life, one must laugh, and dance, Zarathustra insists. Ryan gets to this in his reading of the metaphor of the "dancing star" within--to make ourselves available to new possibilities and responses to an increasingly information-rich and complex world, we have to sometimes let go of pre-planned logistics.




Later, in the retrospective Ecce Homo, Nietzsche samples his own Zarathustra writings to articulate his sense of true inspiration:




"With the smallest residue of superstition within oneself, one would indeed hardly escape the idea of being merely the incarnation, the mouth-piece, the medium of super-human powers. The idea of revelation, in the sense that suddenly with incredible certainty and subtlety, something becomes visible and audible, shaking us and overpowering us in our deepest being: all this is merely a description of facts. One listens, one does not search; one accepts, one does not ask, who is giving; like lightning a thought flashes up, with necessity, without hesitation with regard to its form--I never had a choice" - Friedrich Nietzsche






Can we dance in language? Can we make our texts move, and make movement with our words? What sort of steps would be involved in a writing practice with these simple-but-ambitious aims?


Without chaos in the world there is only order. Order would imply a perfect world, or in the case of Nietzche's quote, a perfect self. If one is perfect, he would find no need to create anything, even a dancing star. In this case the dancing star represents something unique, perhaps something that represents that person. Order is boring. The only way to create anything substantial is through imperfection. Another interpretation would be that chaos represents inner turmoil and the dancing star holds salvation.


~Chris Hastings





What I interpret from this quote is that his parents were difficult, they had problems of some sort but yet he came out perfect. He went to college and got a well paid job. He grew up totally opposite from his parents. I think that one has to have chaos in order to understand how to become a better person.




~Sara Jane




"I believe what Nietzsche is trying


to convey in his quote is that to


develope something truly uniquely


creative, there has to be the element


of chaos in the development process.


I'm sure he went through that as he


came up with this quote. I know I


would have trying to think of something


that thought out and deep."









When I first read this quote, I kind of felt confused, it bewildered me. I took some time away from the wiki and this quote began to make more sense. Everything that has improved the world and that has bettered humanity has had a sort of disorder to them. Nietzsche was trying to say that perfectly planning something and having no impulse can never bring the perfect idea one has to life. Without chaos, everything and everyone would be parallel, there would be no diversity like we know the world today. Chaos breaks the repetition of life and when that happens amazing creations are born. Nietzche tries to enforce the idea that perfect arrangement and neat planning to anything will never result in something that is meaningful to the world and more importantly meaningful to one-self. Every once in a while people need to just go insane and step away from the mundane stereotypical life we all live. People need to stop living inside of their comfort zones and do something that is completely new to them. If a straight line was meant to be continuously followed there would never be anything known to the existence of the earth as chaos. Without some craziness and some unexplained confusion, astonishing creations would be mere junk within the loop. To birth a one of a kind, world changing, meaningful piece of ingenuity takes one being 98 percent completely sane and in their mind, but the key to make it a one of a kind, world changing, meaningful piece of ingenuity takes one being 2 percent crazy, insane, or not completely there.








This quote to me means that just because the parents of the child are completely disorganized, does not mean that the child can't try to be organized and orderly. The parents have an opportunity to guide the child in the right direction so that he will be better than their parents. A lot of people try to be more than perfect, but it is not going to happen because no one will ever be perfect.







Here, Nietzsche is speaking to the positive side of chaos and disorder. Chaos and disorder leads us all to make mistakes in life, which are essential to our understanding of the world around us. If we didn't have a little chaos in our lives, imagine how boring life would be? I don't think anyone likes to be perfect all the time; in fact, it's impossible to do so. As long as we learn from our mistakes we will continue to grow as citizens of the world. When you make mistakes, you learn what not to do, what is appropriate and inappropriate. This knowledge allows us to teach others what we have learned from our mistakes so they don't make the same ones we did (i.e. when you have children).








From disorder comes out order, hierarchy, order. This is what chaos is about. The comos is the result of chaos. Life comes from disorder. Like brianstorming to structure, organization, chaos brings knowlege, from knowlege the perfection, as well.










"...one must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star..."




Friedrich Nietzsche




I believe that what Nietzsche meant was that we're all a little crazy. We have to be crazy because then we won't stand out from one another. The future of Earth, our children or the "stars" as Nietzsche put it, wouldn't stand out or be different if we all start conforming and not ever straying from the norm. So get angry once in awhile, be different from people, have your own opinions or your future won't be so bright.










"one must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star" - Friedich Nietzsche





I beleive you have to go through the bad in order to get to the good. In life, in order to develop yourself and become successful, you have to take the challenges that come at you. My interpretation of this quote is that you have you have to take risks in life and overcome your challenges in order to reach your goals and devlop yourself. The "dancing star" is the representation of yourslef once you have reached those goals.










Chaos is the nature of our universe. Despite being defined as "disorder" or "confusion", it's actually resulted in the formation and creation of everything, even the most complex, intricate and organized structures and ideas. Our universe started out as gases, and after billions of years it has culminated into planets, stars and the like, just as we humans started from simple life forms and developed into complex social creatures. My point: from chaos comes wondrous creation, and if we allow thoughts and feelings within us to exist without great suppression, we give them the freedom to result in something greater, referred to by Nietzsche as a "dancing star".










One must think outside of the box in order to have a total original thought, to reshape science, to move people, to shine.











Almost nothing in life comes without hard work and dedication. Throughout the process of achieving whatever it is we want, we have to face many obstacles. One must still have chaos in one means we have to be able to face the obstacles of life. Giving birth to a dancing star is what we are working for. My interpretation is that in any type of situation, we should still have the ability to get by our challenges and get to that desire or need.












"....One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star..."




-Friedrich Nietzsche





What I get from this quote is that a person must have both good and evil fighting in them, balancing them into who they are.


I think that "chaos" is the battle between good and evil in a person and the "dancing star" symbolizes the good that overcomes the evil.




-Rachel Hodkoski





"...one must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star." -Nietzsche





In a universe that is based around achieving order and equilibrium, and in a world that is driven by understanding and organization, this quote provides an interesting, challenging, and fresh point of view. It means that a person can never settle for the status quo or what society has deemed as "correct" or "true". A person should never be satisfied with only what they currently know and have experienced. People should always question the way things are. Revolutions occur from challenging the current system of existing and successful revolutions result in usually an improved system. Having an inner chaos does not necessarily mean simply being in turmoil. It means to have an inner turmoil that is caused by an endless curiosity about the world around us and a drive to constantly find ways to improve it and make it better for generations to come.







"...one must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star." -Nietzsche




Chaos is the nature of our universe. Despite being defined as "disorder" or "confusion", it's actually resulted in the formation and creation of everything, even the most complex, intricate and organized structures and ideas. Our universe started out as gases, and after billions of years it has culminated into planets, stars and the like, just as we humans started from simple life forms and developed into complex social creatures. My point: from chaos comes wondrous creation, and if we allow thoughts and feelings within us to exist without great suppression, we give them the freedom to result in something greater, referred to by Nietzsche as a "dancing star".




I just had a thought on the term "dancing star". Stars are giant, powerful and cumbersome. They are one of the more stable features of our universe. That being said, the term is a bit of a juxtaposition because dancing typically refers to something nimble, and a star is anything but. The point I'm getting at is that in a way, we, as conscious beings, are stars. Our minds are often slow to grasp radical/revolutionary ideas. Our states of mind is often grounded in a common state, not nimble or, to some extent, "chaotic" enough to reach out and grasp unconventional ideas. It would be very difficult for a star to bounce around, or dance, just as it is difficult for us to break out of our static, somewhat stagnant states of consciousness and understanding that we learn to conform with throughout our lives. Just as it would take great force to make a star move from it's stable state, our consciousness also requires much energy to break out of the mold that society creates. Society is often synonymous with conformity, and conformity, although a force to be reckoned with, is only as powerful as the number of people who subscribe to it. Conformity is the suppression of creativity and ingenuity, which are products of free minds. To give birth to a dancing star means to muster great energy from within to break free of the forces that dull our thoughts, and to harness the chaos within to inspire our minds.


This didn't come out quite as coherent as I hoped, but I might come back to it later.


James C Scott

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