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Living Cultures Group

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Rachel's Earth Democracy Blogs page:

Blogs Page

Globalization As Genocide:

The author gives her strong opinions on Imperialistic Globalization and how it is the top genocide in our world today. It has caused "patriartical biases on traditional cutlture" to "converge with the patriartical biases of global capitalzation to render women disposible." Her idea that women are becoming a threatened species, makes me laugh a little. Though I'm not knowledgable enough to know or create a ligitament opinion for or against this.


WTO Kills Farmers:

Whoa, After reading this section, i'm shocked basically. I never heard about the farmer suicides that took place in India during 2004. It's been reported that "16,000 Farmers committed suicude in 2004, ...during one six- month span in 2004, there were 1860 suicides by farmers in ..." This makes my jaw drop. Shiva says that these suicides were due to indebtedness. Indebtedness which was caused by the policies of trade liberalization and Corporate Globalization. These "corporations prevent seed savings through patents and engineering seeds with nonrenewable traits." This causes farmers to buy new seeds every season, throwiing them further into debt, increasing poverty. This crisis has pervented farmers from surviving "seed monopolies." "Seed saving gives farmers life. Seed monopolies rob farmers of life." Not to mention farmers are experiencing dramatic fall in prices of farm produce. Due to agribusiness $400 billion dollar subsideies made through rich countries help to widen the rapidly growing "indebtedness" through globalization. Apparently, "under globalization farmers are losing their social, cultural, and economic identy to producers." They are now considered consumers.

Basically, farmer suicides are du to the indebtedness created through the rising costs of agricultural inputs and falling prices of farmers produce. Both imposed by o ftrade liberalization and economic reform policies purposed by argibussiness corporations.

Right now, her views are convincing me of this victimization of the social under class through globalization. Even though I like the the idea of free trade and capitalism.



More to come...






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