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Interpretation: Nietzsche Quote

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

"...one must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star." -Nietzsche


Chaos is the nature of our universe. Despite being defined as "disorder" or "confusion", it's actually resulted in the formation and creation of everything, even the most complex, intricate and organized structures and ideas. Our universe started out as gases, and after billions of years it has culminated into planets, stars and the like, just as we humans started from simple life forms and developed into complex social creatures. My point: from chaos comes wondrous creation, and if we allow thoughts and feelings within us to exist without great suppression, we give them the freedom to result in something greater, referred to by Nietzsche as a "dancing star".


I just had a thought on the term "dancing star". Stars are giant, powerful and cumbersome. They are one of the more stable features of our universe. That being said, the term is a bit of a juxtaposition because dancing typically refers to something nimble, and a star is anything but. The point I'm getting at is that in a way, we, as conscious beings, are stars. Our minds are often slow to grasp radical/revolutionary ideas. Our states of mind is often grounded in a common state, not nimble or, to some extent, "chaotic" enough to reach out and grasp unconventional ideas. It would be very difficult for a star to bounce around, or dance, just as it is difficult for us to break out of our static, somewhat stagnant states of consciousness and understanding that we learn to conform with throughout our lives. Just as it would take great force to make a star move from it's stable state, our consciousness also requires much energy to break out of the mold that society creates. Society is often synonymous with conformity, and conformity, although a force to be reckoned with, is only as powerful as the number of people who subscribe to it. Conformity is the suppression of creativity and ingenuity, which are products of free minds. To give birth to a dancing star means to muster great energy from within to break free of the forces that dull our thoughts, and to harness the chaos within to inspire our minds.

This didn't come out quite as coherent as I hoped, but I might come back to it later.

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