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Conversation Transcripts

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Rachel Hodkoski to caromercedes, celist, jsusana718, jpineda2987, jscott

show details 12:29 PM (6 minutes ago) Reply





In the chat room: jpineda2987@gmail.com



11:31 AM jpineda2987: You've been invited to this chat room!

caromercedes@gmail.com has joined

caromercedes: hi eveyone :-)

me: Hello

jpineda2987: hi

caromercedes: I am excited to chat with you guys

jpineda2987: so, any ideas for final project

me: Not one clue

11:32 AM What is the final even supposed to be on?

caromercedes: well like the trey said I kinda dont want to plan it... but i am not sure what it is on

oppps lol

11:33 AM jpineda2987: i just asked emily who had trey last semester and you just take a small part of your blog and expand on it

me: Oh ok

11:34 AM Oh ok

11:35 AM caromercedes: You've been invited to this chat room!

me: ok i dont know what just happened there

caromercedes: oh ok... he was saying that we will take stuff from the semester and remix it

me: What has everyone done so far at this point?

11:37 AM caromercedes: Well ive been trying to understand and get caught up with everything but then today he said just write and express myself... so I want to give that a try

jpineda2987: i just read the intro of the earth dem book and posted a blog

me: Ok well ive read the intro to Earth Democracy and blogged about it and now am reading our Living Cultures chapter. I havent started on anything else

11:38 AM jpineda2987: aight thats cool

celist@mail.usf.edu has joined

celist: hey hey

jpineda2987: waddup cris

me: Hey

jpineda2987: chris*

celist: so this is cool

jpineda2987: yeah

11:39 AM caromercedes: Hi

celist: ill be right back yo

jpineda2987: have u read the intro of the book yet

me: especially cuz were sitting like 3 feet from each other

caromercedes: I know... Im excited ;p;

celist: true

11:40 AM jpineda2987: "lets kick it"

me: lol

11:41 AM jpineda2987: so do you all wanna be a group for the final project?

celist: does anyone know how to disable the pop-up

me: Thats sounds great to me

caromercedes: thats fine

me: Sorry chris i dont

jpineda2987: alright cool

celist: Vikki and I are going to make a group and work on sustainablility and building

11:42 AM jpineda2987: ok

11:43 AM me: ok

11:45 AM jpineda2987: what did u all think of the author?

caromercedes: for understading comics?

jpineda2987: earth dem

caromercedes: or the other book?

11:46 AM celist: Sooo she is mager full of crap

11:47 AM I believe she has a good thought, but it isn't realistic

Even the native americans fought and oppressed eachother

jpineda2987: shes a bitch

plain and simple

11:48 AM and a radical

a radical bitch

caromercedes: are you talkig about the the intro orthe ch our group was suppose to read

jpineda2987: the intro

caromercedes: nice way of thinking lol

jpineda2987: thanks

me: wow

celist: intro

jpineda2987: seriously tho, her thoughts are absurd

11:49 AM me: um the intro was very interesting but like you guys said her ideas are to far left, way to radical and unrealistic

jpineda2987: i agree with the whole idea of sustainability and changing the way we interact with the environment, but blaming globalization for the formation of radical, extremist groups is ridiculous

caromercedes: its hard for me to say anything abou it becase I dont have the book and online the pages are cut off

11:50 AM me: Where did you order your book from

caromercedes: well i didnt order it from anywhere... Every barnes n noble doesnt have that book in stock

11:51 AM jpineda2987: get it on amazon

mine arrived in 3 days

me: did you try the one on 2nd st

celist: i ordered mine yesterday from amazon

me: like the one by the RHO

caromercedes: i think i will do that

celist: every b.a.n and borders in out

11:52 AM caromercedes: yeah i did try

celist: i looked it up

caromercedes: yeah thats what i saw too

11:53 AM in order to get it that fast do i need to do anything extra

11:54 AM me: How should we do this? Once everyone has their book, read the chapter and we'll put all of our ideas about it together

jpineda2987: yeah, lets split up the ch

11:55 AM me: ok

celist: ohh great! what an original idea guys. hahaha

me: Juan u have ur book?

Are we the only two?

jpineda2987: everyone read 8-9 pages

yeah i got mine

its right here...look

11:56 AM me: lol, ok so do you want to read the first 8-9 pages than me the 2nd than maybe christain athen carolina

11:57 AM and then*

jpineda2987: ok yeah that sounds good

me: good

caromercedes: thats fine with me i just hope i get my book on time... actually im going t order it now

me: ok!!

11:58 AM jpineda2987: i'll read up to where it says "globalization and culture wars"

11:59 AM me: I Ok so i will read from "globalization and culture wars" up to like "globalizationa dn crimes against women"

its a lil more than 9 pages cuz i dont want to stop in the middle of the chapter

12:00 PM jsusana718@gmail.com has joined

12:01 PM jpineda2987: jessica wassup

jsusana718: Wats up Juan? How are u?

12:02 PM Thank you guys for letting me join your group.

jpineda2987: no prob

celist: what is with the (lil) green patch on facebook?

jpineda2987: the more the better

i dunno

12:03 PM jpineda2987@gmail.com has left

12:08 PM me: So we all know what pages we're reading right?

12:10 PM jsusana718: So basically what we do is make a new page & blog about our reading, right?

12:12 PM me: thats right

caromercedes: yes

12:13 PM jpineda2987@gmail.com has joined

jpineda2987: im back

me: k

jsusana718: I'm still here, rite?

12:14 PM jpineda2987: nm, my bad

12:15 PM jscott@mail.usf.edu has joined

12:16 PM me: Hey James

caromercedes: hey

jscott: hello

jsusana718: hey

12:19 PM me: do you guys know exactly what we were supposed to do with the youtube videos


12:21 PM jsusana718: I have no idea.

12:22 PM jpineda2987: what youtube videos?



7 minutes


12:29 PM caromercedes: u r suppose to pick a funny video and put it on ur pafe

12:30 PM page*

jpineda2987: oh really

12:32 PM me: bye!!


Sorry this is kindda of hard to read!

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