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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago

I chose to look up sustainable communities. I looked in my environmental science textbook for something interesting, and communities jumped out at me. The site that I pulled up was that of the Sustainable Communities Network. As they say on their homepage, they're goal is "Linking citizens to resources and to one another to create healthy, vital, sustainable communities". The idea behind sustainable communities is that we build cities based on the accommodation of traffic, which has lead to over 2/3 of the space of modern cities being taken up by roads. This means that waste of land and resources at the expense of the environment and community cohesion. Sites like the one I looked up connect people and resources so that those who want to change their community for the better can create a plan for doing so. The development of sustainable communities means reducing traffic, centralizing communities, expanding public transportation, having little no to negative impact on the environment, and providing recreational services to allow healthy, active lifestyles, mostly independent of vehicles.

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