
Coast Guard

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

For the past two years I have been trying to join the U.S. Coast Guard. I have had my share of setbacks though. I have had knee problems in the past and right before my medical exam I injured it in a longboarding incident; I hate that longboard. I failed the exam due to an x-ray, not the actual physical tests they had me do. The doctor noticed, at that time, I couldn't fully extend my leg. I was told that I would never be in the military. Since then I have seen many doctors, including the former orthopedic surgeon for the naval academy, to try to obtain a medical waiver. I have my letters now saying that I am fit for military activity and hopefully I will be cleared soon. My goal in life is to be a rescue swimmer (aviation survival technician).

Sustainability in reguards to the coast guard and I, would be my ability to keep myself healthy and fit. Sports that include pivoting and a high level of running are forever cut from my life. I decided to stop these sports in order to save my knees; A birth defect where my knee caps are positioned slightly off center have caused dislocation problems in the past. In order to sustain a healthy lifestyle, fit for the coast guard, I must take care and be mindful of physical activities I take part in. Along with being mindful of my faults, I go to the gym, as if I am already in the coast guard. I do this so when I enter I have a solid foundation and the ability to exceed what is enpected of me. According to the minimum coast guard boot camp requirements, I have graduated. In order to sustain the goals of the coast guard I must take part and be mindful of activities that will allow me to contunue this endevor for the rest of my CG career.





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